Certificates of Origin (COO) are international trade documents , which certify that products in a certain export consignment are wholly obtained, processed, manufactured, or produced in a specific country. If you run a business in Australia, you must know about four different types of COO. The section below will introduce you to them. AANZFTA AANZFTA stands for Y ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area. You will need this Certificate of Origin when sending consignments to ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. Showing the certificate will eliminate or decrease duty rates levied on the products and tariffs. You must note that to obtain the certificate, you must be a registered exporter. To get the certificate and enjoy preferential tariffs and duty rates, you must deal with products you have obtained or manufactured entirely in Australia. You can mention that a particular item has originated in Australia even if it has been produced p...