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Showing posts from August, 2021

Getting a PRA Using a Software for the First Time

  As an exporter, you must inform a cargo terminal operator in advance about the containers you wish to send for loading. The stevedores respond back confirming the clearance and cargo acceptance. That’s how a pre-receival advice is completed. In order to do it timely, error-freely and cost-effectively, you can rely on a good software tool. Before you start searching for the right kind of software, it makes sense to learn how it would be used to make this task simpler. Doing so can also help you choose the software which precisely meets the process’s requirements. Let’s begin. Integrate the Software To begin with, you must integrate the new software with your existing IT infrastructure. In other words, you need to bring it in sync with the overall export documentation process which in turn is a part of the whole supply chain. For this, you need to look for a software which offers compatibility as well as performance, flexibility and customization. Load I...